I can make it a great day for you. If you’re an administrator trying to get your school moving up, continue reading. I have experienced brain-based success like few others. You can get effective staff development, in fact, nearly instant staff development with tools for engagement every staff can use. I am about fierce teaching; the type that brings a driven, mission-focused, passionate teacher to school every day. No, teachers aren’t born that way; they are developed. Here’s an example:
“Having you as a lead-off speaker for the National Speakers Series at Harris County Department of Education was a stroke of genius! I knew that first-timers… would be bowled over and your faithful followers would be grateful. The evaluations bore that out… Your evaluations were among the highest we have received for presenters.” – Mary Lynn J., Harris County DOE
Every session is highly relevant training. I’ll bet you want the day to be relevant to the teacher’s needs. And finally, I’ll bet you want teachers to enjoy the learning by being involved and engaged all day long. I know the risks you have to take. You can relax; I’ll engage your audience all day long with quality, relevant content that can boost learning.
“I have heard nothing but glowing comments about your workshop. Your presentation was fast-paced, lively, and very educational… The evaluations for the day were outstanding! Everyone attending walked out of the workshop with the feeling that they had gained many useful tools to improve classroom teaching and student learning.” Lance E., Director, Cooperative Educational Service Agency
Unlike some high-priced speakers, I’m no “ivory tower” professor. Yes, I was adjunct faculty for three universities, University of San Diego, National University and University of California at San Diego. But I have dedicated my life to transforming lives. I’m a former classroom teacher (middle school reading and study skills). I have taught demonstration classes at high school, middle school and elementary levels, as well as worked for five years at a residential academic summer camp. I know what works with kids and I know the research behind it. My experience is essential for those in adult education, such as staff developers, support staff and administrators.
“I have been sharing your teaching and learning ideas with my school district for two years now, and everyone is excited with the work that they are doing. I cannot begin to thank you enough for giving me the tools to be a better staff developer. Again, I look forward to working and learning from you again.” Susan M., staff developer.
You will NEVER, EVER get a “canned presentation”. Every single presentation is unique, with fresh examples, relevant activities and up-to-date information to take action on ASAP. How do I do that? How do I stay fresh so that your audience always feels like they’re getting the first, and best session on earth?
First, I love to learn. I have a B.A. in English, M.A. in Organizational Development and Ph.D. in Human Development. Second, you can be assured that every presentation is scientifically accurate and teacher relevant. I’ve written 30 books over four decades, published by five different publishers. Teaching with Poverty in Mind and Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind are well known and well-used. While many know me from Teaching with the Brain in Mind, one of my best-known works, others know me from SuperTeaching, Brain-Based Learning or Enriching the Brain. Finally, as you can tell, learning is a passion for me, and I love to share that passion with your staff.
Second, I am a relentless fanatic for perfection. If I reach 92.5% of a keynote audience, I stay up half the night figuring out what could I do differently next time to “hook in” the other 7.5%. If I uncover a crucial study that your audience should know about, they will hear about. Not a year later, but the very next day. While some presenters can reach 70% and be satisfied, I am not. And the first thing I do is hold up a mirror. “How could I improve?” is always my first question. I feel driven by the relentless pursuit of that elusive perfection. Of course, I’ll never get there, but the journey’s the joy.
My presentations are backed by science, but you get lay-person language with school-based examples. Multiple conference organizations, including my own, have produced “science to the classroom” events for 15+ years. These events have engaged over 100 highly reputable, often award-winning, neuroscientists to speak in translational terms to educators. The list of conference neuroscientists has been a veritable “who’s who” in cutting edge interdisciplinary neuroscientists from Harvard, Yale, UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, UCSF, University of Texas at San Antonio, University of Chicago, UCSD, Rutgers, Georgetown and the Salk Institute. This has only come about as a result of the collaboration of educators and scientists linking the research directly to those in the schools. Scientists support brain-based education because it makes sense. It takes a partnership between educators and scientists to get it all right. Whether the presenter was a biological psychologist, neuroscientist or cognitive scientist is irrelevant; they’ve all been brain-based education supporters.
“It is with great enthusiasm that I endorse Eric Jensen as the most dynamic and well-informed professional development speaker…we count on Eric to stay current with neuroscientific research, to accurately interpret findings, and to offer very practical and doable suggestions for classroom activities” Dr. Char M., Director, SES Services. MN
I have made over 45 visits to neuroscience laboratories to talk directly with the scientists who do the studies. I brought, for 20 years, teacher groups into the labs to see, hear and touch HOW the research is actually done. I want to know, straight from the scientists who are actually doing the research, what it says and how to translate it. NOBODY is that obsessed with getting the facts right. I was one of the first educators in the world to be invited into the Society for Neuroscience, an invitation-only organization of neuroscientists. This inner circle membership is just one of many ways you get an inside track to the latest, breaking news in the world of learning. Why is that so important? Getting your teachers better trained right is my #1 priority. Why? Good teaching is highly correlated with student achievement.
What am I an expert at? Growing your staff! Your staff will get the tools for equity, the strategies for engagement and the relevant “ah-ha” content that gets them on board. Quality teaching matters not just a little; it is the single greatest ingredient that you have influence over. You have very little influence over the student’s nutrition, the student-parent interactions, the quality of the student’s living conditions, their neighborhood or their peers. But you do have influence over the 30 hours a week that the student spends in school. That’s why so much of the success of a child can be traced to good teaching.
I know your staff has to be “spot-on” good. To help your staff be the best, I try to be the best in my field. That’s just one of many reasons I am ranked among the Top 30 educators in the world at GlobalGurus.org. Your staff will get a former teacher with through the roof credibility.
By now, you may be thinking I’m the right person for you or your organization. But there are several reasons I might not be the right person for you:
- First, if you are thinking that 100% of your staff will make miraculous changes instantly with a one-time “tune-up” that’s unlikely. Teachers need support over the long haul. Unless you are willing to provide that support in the form of coaching, book studies and follow-up staff development, you’ll miss out on the real power of change. I’m good, but teachers need on-going support. Do not spend a penny on anyone until you have a long-term plan.
- If you’re expecting me to show how your staff can better conform to meet standards and raise your test scores, that’s unlikely. That’s not what I do, though you will get indirect benefits that do improve test scores. I’m committed to student learning and student success in the broad view. I want students to be optimistic, talented, passionate, contributing members of society. If you only want higher reading and math scores, hire a reading, math or test prep consultant. They are specialists. If you want better teaching and learning in ALL areas, I can help.
- If you are hoping I can help you out next month, it might not happen. While I occasionally do have freaky one-time gaps in my schedule to add a commitment, please be thinking a few months from now. To find out my availability, email my wife, Diane, at diane@jensenlearning.com.She’ll do her best to fit you in to your best date possible.
“There was simply no time to be bored…all ratings were from ‘Excellent’ to ‘Wow’ with comments about hands-on environment, practical suggestions and ideas, the opportunity for group interaction followed by immediate feedback created a blockbuster presentation.” Ruth H., Director, LAEF, New Orleans, LA
What are three ways to save money on Eric Jensen? Hiring top-tier staff developers who “practice what they preach” is not cheap. I make no apology for the price I have to charge to bring world-class experience, credibility, relevancy, engagement and professionalism to your event. A one-day event often means four days of time for me (travel, workbook prep, presentation prep, research, and day of the event, etc.). Here’s how you can save money when you bring me to your area.
- Involve others in the process. Include other schools, even opening up the event to other districts that can share the daily fee to help reduce your costs.
- Grants can make it happen. There are hundreds of potential sources of funding IF you plan ahead.
- Get a price break on multiple days of work. More days embed the learning better.
Nothing is more relevant to educators than your brain or the brains of your students, parents, or staff. Scientific learning, passionate training and brain-based education are here to stay, and I can bring it to your staff like no other. Surprise and reward your staff. Bring in one of the top trainers in the country.
Are you ready to bring me to your conference, school, district or business? If so, email my wife: diane@jensenlearning.com. I look forward to meeting you.
Yours in learning
Eric Jensen

President, Jensen Learning